Scientific support program
Modified June 3rd 2024

INSU and PEPR Origins launch a call for research proposals under the Scientific Accompaniment Program
The INSU 2020 outlook recommended the Origins/Exobiology theme through the creation of a transverse axis: “Origins: primitive earths and the appearance of life”. This axis was opened for the first time as part of the call for projects for the INSU 2022 national programs.
In 2022, the “Origins: from planets to life” PEPR was selected as part of the France 2030 stimulus package. This PEPR has been active since March 2023, for a period of 7 years. Its actions focus on the development of new instruments for science up to 2030, in 6 research areas :
- Detecting and characterizing exoplanets through direct imaging
- Chemical and isotopic analysis of primitive materials, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial
- The study of the Earth as a whole, as a habitable planet
- The emergence of life, through laboratory experiments and analysis of samples from the primitive Earth
- Exploiting the new opportunities offered by high-performance computing and artificial intelligence for numerical simulations, instrument control and data analysis
- Origins of life and planets : human and social science approaches
In this context, the “Origins” transverse axis becomes a PEPR scientific support program, co-financed by PEPR.
Projects must be submitted via the SIGAP submission portal from July 1 to October 15, 2023. All specific conditions relating to this call (submission form, eligibility criteria and eligibility of expenses will be detailed in the call text online on SIGAP).
Projects will be evaluated by an ad-hoc committee made up of representatives from PEPR, certain INSU domains and CNRS Institutes, CNES and the management of several national programs and the Société Française d’Exobiologie. The results of this call for tenders will be announced before the end of 2023, and the funds will be available from the beginning of 2024.
Origines has its own call on SIGAP.
Dossier scientifique de l’appel Origines
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